Small Head



So today’s posting is a throwback to my short stint on tumblr from about 2011-2012, where I shared random stories/occurrences that took place in my life.  Enjoy 😉


I like Chipotle, and by like, I mean I really really like – so much so that I’m thinking of dedicating to them a remix of J. Cole’s ‘Can’t Get Enough’.  It’s that serious, but I’m working on it.

Anywho, I’m in line the other day after submitting my usual order for a chicken burrito bowl, when the cashier gives me a compliment on my haircut.  I’ve been rocking a near baldy for about 4 years now, and decided to do it on a whim just to see how it would look.  Needless to say, I ended up loving it, and after trying different short hair cut variations (including the infamous mohawk – loved that too!), I’m now experimenting with what I like to call the “fuzzy top”.  The “fuzzy top” is my modified version of the high top fade, which seems to be making a comeback.

The originator of the high top fade

The originator of the high top fade

I get some pretty interesting feedback about my hairstyle choices, but for the most part they’re positive.  This Chipotle cashier was no exception, as she commented that she “loved my hair!”  She caught me a little off guard as I was mentally already caught in the bliss of enjoying my chicken burrito bowl, but her comment brought me back to reality as I graciously thanked her.  But her compliment didn’t end there, oh no.  “It looks good on you, you have such a nice small head!”  I automatically thanked her again for her “compliment”, and it was only later – after I ate my chicken burrito bowl of course, that I was able to process what she’d said.  Telling someone that they have a small head isn’t really a compliment.  I understood what she meant, as it wasn’t the first time that I’ve been complimented on my less-than-gargatuan head size, but everytime I hear my head referred to as “small”, I can’t help but have a visual of the pawn shop owner from the ‘Men in Black’.  You know, the one whose head regrows after being shot off by Agents J or K?


Yeah, his head isn’t exactly one that I aspire to emulate.  Now don’t get me wrong, I do appreciate the cashier’s compliment (along with the fact that she works at the greatest place on Earth!), but I would place the small head compliment in the same category as telling someone they look sick.  While said comment is well intentioned, it can also carry a negative connotation that suggests that the person does not look their best .  Hopefully said person is sick, because if not, then they have just been dissed.  Just saying.

It’s not easy drinking green

kermit smoothie meme

I’m generally a supporter of anything that promotes health and wellness, especially within my own community as health disparities are a very real thing.  This has led to me adopting a general openness to new experiences, including becoming a green smoothie enthusiast!

green smoothie

I was first introduced to green smoothies a few years ago, and since then have perfected a very simple recipe that doesn’t require fancy equipment (a simple blender will do) and that tastes pretty good to boot!  So when I was recently invited to join a friend of mine on her 7-day green smoothie challenge, I was so down.  When she presented the idea, all I heard was ‘Challonge!’ and I was all like:


I woke up on Day 1 and whipped up four mason jars full of green smoothie goodness to take with me throughout the day.  Bananas, frozen strawberries and spinach went into the blender, and I excitedly awaited their consumption along with the resulting energy boost.  I even thought I was cute and created a video short to post (thanks iMovie!) on instagram to share about my green smoothie challenge, hoping to entice others I knew to join me for 7 whole days of nothing but green smoothies.  Turn down for what?!
Needless to say, I got very few takers, most likely because others more quickly realized that a green smoothie challenge during cold weather months is probably not the most fun idea.  Now, this isn’t to say that the feat is impossible.  Hardly!  But it takes a lot to come home after a long cold day (& I live in lovely Wisconsin…smh) and happily reach for something cold for dinner.  Sadly – those few beginning instagram posts were all I contributed during that 7-day stretch, as I failed miserably at just drinking green smoothies for the entire duration.  Now, I did manage to consciously consume 1-2 green smoothies per day during that time period, which is more than I usually consume.  I also became more focused on what else I could do to support my reaching optimal/health wellness.
Overall, the challenge was a fail, but I am now intent on maintaining a diet and activity level that will result in preservation of the sexy.  One of the most enjoyable (and empowering) fitness activities that I’ve participated in in the past was pole fitness, and I have my eye on some local class offerings.  We’ll see what the future holds, until then – stay tuned 😉

Urban Dictionary – How I Heart Thee

urban dictionary

Since entering my 30’s and moving to an arguably less “urban” city, I came to the harsh realization that I was losing touch with the slang that I had come to embrace in my teens.  Thankfully my friend circle does include individuals who are younger than me and who help to keep me current (I’m not old enough to use the term “hip”…just saying).  There are times, however when I’ve scrolled through Tumblr/Instagram/Twitter/etc. and found myself scratching my head as to what they’re talking about.  Case in point:


Come again IHOP?  Even my younger acquaintances were unable to assist me with this term.  At times like this, I turn to Urban Dictionary – a trusty companion who discreetly hides your unawareness by providing you with the knowledge you need.  According to Urban Dictionary, fleek is synonymous with perfection and is often used to describe one’s eyebrows when they have been properly groomed (in the above instance IHOP chose to apply the meaning differently for obvious reasons).  Thanks to Urban Dictionary, I now feel confident incorporating this term into my everyday vocabulary – such as complimenting a coworker on their writing skills by commenting that their recent report was on fleek!


Ok, so the term may not have universal applicability, but I do appreciate Urban Dictionary for helping me maintain a vocabulary that the youngsters can appreciate 😉  That and for helping IHOP’s social media manager provide a steady Twitter feed that is chuckle-worthy.


You’ll get that one on your way home!  Or maybe you won’t – which highlights the need for you to incorporate visits to Urban Dictionary* into your life 😉


*It is advised that you refrain from visiting this website while at the workplace, unless you or your coworkers have the urgent need to understand what terms like ‘banana polish’ mean.  Either way, don’t say you weren’t warned.

Are you angry? Good!

FB-Meme-Inspire-JusticeI once read that ‘problem that makes you angry is something that you were designed to solve’, and while I have no recollection of the original author I do believe that statement to be true.  Now – Pharrell’s inspiration aside, I (in general) am a pretty happy go-lucky person.  I don’t hold onto grudges, and little things tend to not get me down…at least not for long.  Though few and potentially far between, there are those moments when something just sets. me. OFF!  A recent occurrence that took me there was the tragedy that continues to play out in the media in Ferguson, MO.  That situation prompted me to take action by becoming personally educated on the issues that were important to me and connect to like-minded individuals who were seeking solutions.  Since then, I have been paying close attention to other situations that have prompted me to act.  In doing so, I noticed a common theme among the things that triggered me: they were all social-justice oriented.  Case in point:

Situation: Unarmed teen is shot by police and then his humanity is put on trial by the media to justify the action

My response: Argh – that sucks!  Now, what can I do about it?

Situation: My new home state is leading the nation in incarceration rates of Black males…that in spite of Blacks making up less than 10% of the total population

My response: Argh – that sucks!  Now, what can I do about it?

Situation: Shonda Rhimes accused of being an “angry Black women” by the NY Times for daring to create shows with diversity and strong female leads.

My response: Argh – that sucks!  Now, what can I do about it?

Situation: Just got out of church & I have a taste for a Chik Fil A kid’s meal.  Wait -Chik Fil A is closed on Sundays!!

My response: Argh – that sucks!  Now, what can I do about it?

angry leslie knope


Ok – so that last example may not have equaled the first three in the emotional response it elicited from me, but it does suck when you have a taste for something and can’t satisfy that craving…just saying.  Bottom line, my awareness of my triggers highlighted to me that an important aspect of my purpose is to promote social justice.  Since then, I have connected myself to a few likeminded individuals and groups, Justified Anger being one of them and Groundwork another, to contribute towards solutions to address social injustices in the city I reside.  I feel so fulfilled in the work that I have been able to do, and have an immense amount of respect for those individuals who have and continue to do the work of fighting injustice.  Cornel West said it best when he defined justice as what love looks like in public.  I couldn’t agree more, and will continue to support the demonstration of true, agape love by promoting social justice for all.

So if you find yourself angry – that might just be a good thing if it highlights an area of your purpose that you were designed to solve.  Now it’s time to get to work!