Different Norm Indeed!


As I was working on today’s blog posting I came across the above picture that I had previously saved in my ‘Inspired’ Dropbox folder, and realized that it pretty succinctly describes the motivation behind the naming of this blog. I’ve always been a little quirky, and tried on several occasions during my formative years to be more like the “cool kids”, but always felt inauthentic doing so. Over time I have slowly become comfortable with who I am (i.e., entrepreneurial Black chica w/an affinity for short haircuts, social justice issues, droll comedies & anything by Shonda Rhimes, who reads personal finance blogs for funsies, loves God and is passionate about seeing others fulfill their purpose), and have definitely been enjoying life ever since. In my experience, the “box” that we may try to place ourselves into due to perceived societal norms, family pressures, the media, etc. can be very limiting.  Not only that, but each of us has been created for a purpose that is greater than ourselves.  Meaning that who are you – isn’t even about you.  And by withholding your authenticity you prevent others from experiencing and receiving inspiration from you.  So at the end of the day – do you!  Celebrate your individuality and your unique perspective on the world around you, and in the process know that there is someone out there who will be inspired by you to do the same.

Get Your Life – I’m a Pinterest Party Planner!

home alone merry christmas

It’s Tuesday, and not just any Tuesday – it’s exactly one week before Christmas – let the countdown begin *insert fist pump*!  I just started checking off my Christmas list yesterday, and hope to be done by the end of this week *insert another fist pump* – though I really don’t have a choice, seeing as Christmas is next week 😉  With the holiday season being in full swing, I have relied heavily on the interwebs for inspiration on gifts, recipes and even outfits for holiday parties.  I mentioned before some amazing sites that have been super helpful to me accomplishing some holiday goals (here), but today I really want to give one site in particular a special shout-out: Pinterest – I heart thee!  Seriously, Pinterest is very resourceful for a host of holiday needs, as it is essentially an online pinboard where users can post images of things that interest them.  Still trying to figure out what to give someone for Christmas – Pinterest can give you ideas.  Need a recipe for your holiday party – Pinterest has got your back.  Looking for inspiration for a classy (or tacky) Christmas party outfit – look no further, Pinterest is here!  Seriously, I have looked to Pinterest for all of the above.  I even got the idea for a dish (shrimp & grits baby!) I contributed to my office’s annual holiday party from Pinterest – and it was a big hit!   So yeah, I loves me some Pinterest, and will eventually be starting up a page of my own.  But for now,  I will enjoy the pins of others.  If you’re still in need of some inspiration this holiday season, I highly encourage you to do a google search and include ‘Pinterest’ in your title – and I guarantee you’ll find something useful – or at least intriguing…..kinda like this pic I found of a Batman birthday cake:

batman belt cake

Hmmm……this might work for my 30th…….  Anywho, enjoy your Christmas Countdown (along with this 90’s Christmas throwback by N*Sync…my Lord this video was cheesy, but I love them still) – and have a fabu rest of the day!

Get Your Life – Christmas Spending

14 days til christams

Today marks exactly two weeks before we are to be visited by the fat man (allegedly) and Christmas will be upon us!  I am so not ready for the holidays, lol, and don’t even have my little fiber-optic tree up yet, smh…..get it together Angie!  But one thing I’m happy to report that I have accomplished is my Christmas spending plan.  I am a strong supporter of the real meaning behind Christmas *cue the Jackson 5’s rendition of ‘Give Love on Christmas Day’*, but also want to provide my loved ones with some small token of the love that I have for them…..without completely annihilating my budget in the process 🙂  Thanks to my bff Google, and newer companions like Pinterest, Tumblr & various blogs, I have come across some very inspirational (and low budget) Christmas gifting ideas.

I’ve convinced my immediate fam and close friends that we should do a Secret Santa gift exchange, to avoid having to get gifts for multiple individuals.  We’ve also placed a price cap on our gift exchange, to foster creativity and conscientious-spending.  If you’re friends & fam aren’t in the same area, sites like SecretSanta.com can help make the gift exchange process a bit easier.

The kiddies in my family (and there are a lot of them now…..6 total under the age of 7!) will be getting a S’mores gift basket from their Awesome Auntie, complete with a kid-friendly book that they can read with their parents whilst eating their S’mores.  I love S’mores, takes me back to my days as a Girl Scout 🙂  HGTV gives a really cute instructional on creating your own S’mores kit.

And lastly, coworkers of mine (the core team) will be gifted with a coffee mug and a nice set of coffees – courtesy of Target.  I plan to divide up a mug set among the six of them, and nicely package each set in gift wrapping.  This Pinterest also contained some amazing DIY gift ideas for coworkers.  Tis the season to show love whilst expressing creativity!

I hope you all enjoy this holiday season, including the gift-giving process.  I would like to leave you today with the soothing sounds of JD & Turk as they talk/sing the Christmas classic ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’…..love these guys 🙂  Have a fabu day!

Get Your Life – Room Edition


I have a problem, and have had this problem since childhood.  For some reason, I have had the hardest time keeping my room clean.  I think my problem has continued due to a combination of factors:

  1. having too much stuff (my size hasn’t changed much in the past decade, leaving me with clothes from high school that I can still fit)
  2. my work schedule (I work a lot, and the last thing I want to do when I come home after a long day is put away the clothes that have taken up residence on my bed), and
  3. not really caring (in all honesty, I have enjoyed the freedom that single child-free living has afforded me – which includes organizing when I get good & ready *folds arms indignantly*)

While I understand what has contributed to my current (messy) state, I think it’s time for a change.  It would be kind of cool to start putting my outfits together by looking in my closet instead of rifling through the pile I keep on my bed.  I’ve started going blog perusing to help me in my steps to recovery, and have really gravitated towards those that focus on minimalism.  Who knew there were people who actually don’t have a desire to accumulate stuff?  I have started to follow several of these blogs and plan to put some of their suggestions into practice (like the one-for-one principle, where any new item of clothing that is bought has to replace something old).

I’m stoked about pursuing minimalism, as it will ultimately result in less stuff for me to clean-clean, and less purchases means more ching-ching.  Winning!  And when my room is finally clean, I’m going to be so like this:

tina fey dance gif

Get it Tina!  I will be providing updates as my room organization project unfolds.  In the meantime, check out these blogs for some minimalist inspiration:

The Everyday Minimalist

Buy Nothing New for a Year

The Minimalistas