Today’s my 20th!

high five gif

Nope – not my birthday, that ship has sailed almost a decade ago.  Today marks the 20th post that I’ve made to this blog *launch the confetti canon*!  While this might not seem significant to some, to me this is a momentous occasion because I wasn’t sure how consistent I would be with this newest creative endeavor.  In the past I’ve started some things and haven’t always seen them through.  Some for legit reasons (lack of time or resources), but for others….I simply lost interest.  I might be a little bit of a flake, or, to take a page from Emilie of, I’m a ‘Multipotentialite’ who naturally moves from one project to another…honestly, depending on the day, it could be a combination of the two, but I digress.  However I choose to psychoanalyze the motives behind my actions (or lack thereof), I’m excited not only about my consistency with this project, but at how much fun I’ve been having doing it.  Seriously, just letting my brain have at it on an almost daily basis has been quite liberating and enjoyable, and I find myself cracking up at the things that come out of my….fingers.  This also signifies that this project might be worth continuing to invest into, and who knows where things could lead.  And I definitely appreciate all of you who’ve taken the time to read my random tales, motivational excerpts, or just daily thoughts, and would love to hear from you!  What do you think, any ideas, suggestions, things you’d like to know or see?  Let me know by leaving a comment or emailing me at  I’m def planning on getting some pics and videos up soon – so be on the lookout for the new hotness in the ’13 (…, that sounded wack…I  feel for the high school seniors who are graduating in such an “un-cool” sounding year, makes me appreciate my 2000 graduation a little bit more).  So yeah, much thanks to you, and I hope to be connecting with all of you a bit better in the future.  In honor of this celebratory day, and the fact that I graduated during a non-wack year, here’s one of my fav songs from 2000.  This week must be the week of the boy band for me, but I loved N*Sync & Backstreet Boys back in the day…..I knew the choreography and everything….  Enjoy & have a fabu Hump Day!


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